Xena Fashion Doll...?

Ok, so I've been watching the Xena: Warrior Princess all over again.  After all these years, I still think it's an awesome show.  Lucy Lawless played the tough chick part wonderfully.  Now if only they made a cool Xena doll worthy of credit.  And I don't mean those manly dolls of her that came out in the past.  I don't ever recall Xena with square jaws and huge arms and legs, popping out of her leather attire from bulky muscles.  A part of what made that show rock is the character of a sexy girl in leather who can kick ass.  So why do the dolls in her supposed likeness look like ugly men in leather skirts, I ask!  

I know it's not impossible to have a female warrior doll to actually look female.  Just take a look at these Susie fashion dolls.

(Susie doll photos are property of  R&D Dolls)

There's hope for a beautiful Xena doll if made by the right doll maker.  Now if only the right doll maker would make one for me.  I wouldn't mind a warrior princess doll to go with my pirate barbie.


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