Twelve Dolls of Christmas, Part 2

Lalaloopsy, aka, Pillow Featherbed

Lulu Roo

According to the story written on her doll box, she was once a rag doll who magically came to life when her very last stitch was sewn.  She loves good stories, long naps and her favorite snack is milk and cookies.  She was also made from pieces of a baby's blanket.  Plus, she comes with her own pet sheep!

I'm sure you don't need to wonder why she's in my collection despite the fact that most of my dolls are 12" fashion dolls.  She oozes of cuteness and I am just a sucker for cute!  She also brings a sense of nostalgia to those of us who grew up with rag dolls.  I chose her specifically out of all the Lalaloopsy dolls I've seen because she looked the cutest and most vulnerable in her baby pajamas.  Plus, she came with a sleeping mask that I can relate to, as I have a harder time sleeping at night without one.  My partner believes Lulu needs a friend to keep her company...I think I've suckered her into my toy mania!

I dedicate Lulu's photos to the inner child in all of us that especially screams to be released at this time of year!  For more Lalaloopsy goodness, click HERE.


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